Thursday, October 11, 2018


Hello supporters,

I haven't blogged in a while, the reason being there was nothing I wanted to publish. Not only was I avoiding depressing you guys, but I guess I didn't want to admit a few things. It's sometimes easier to bury your head in the sand and let the sun kiss your ass.

Scroll forward and yesterday was our visit to the bone guy in London. I was nervous as could be, Man wasn't. My anxiety was brought on knowing that we were not going to be given good news. I know my husband and I can see the pain he's in - and hear the clicks from his body when he moves - so I braced myself.  Sure enough, the affable and chirpy Mr M was not quite so chirpy. He got straight to business and showed us the CT scan of Man's pelvis. Or rather, pelvis area as there really isn't much left of his actual pelvis.  Even though there are signs of rebuild of bone, it was quite shocking. Inside of a minute of sitting down, Mr M suggested a body cast to be worn. Man immediately rejected that idea. It honestly went in one ear and out of the other. I sat silently, frustrated and holding back tears.

So basically the myeloma tumour has nestled into the pelvis and has eaten most of it - to the extent that Man's top half of his body is no longer connected with bone to his bottom half. He is literally being held together with muscle and ligaments. Mr M said it was a 'miracle' he was still able to walk. He could sense Man's resistance to what was being explained and so ramped up the diagnosis outcomes. 

"On a scale of one to ten, one being not bad, you're at a ten"

"You need to stop work immediately for three months"

(Still shakes of head from Man)

"A body cast is your only option. You must think of your family because if you don't heal you will be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life"

(Signs of shock from Man)

"This is serious. I could admit you to hospital for three months"

(Acceptance starting to register in Man's face. To lighten the mood he tried to crack a joke about thrusting to which Mr M responded with a stony face...)

After more persuading, Man relented and realised his fate. We walked out of the hospital sombre and downcast. Within a few hours an appointment had been made for a measuring and fitting for a body cast. It will be fitted on 24th October.  He will be able to take it off at night but it will limit his movement during the day and I already envisage Man will be like a bear with a sore head between now and Christmas....But needs must and we will pull together to make life bearable for everyone! Boys, you'll be taking the bins out and if anyone sees Man moving any further than to the bathroom and back, please rugby tackle him and get him to DO NOTHING!

Thanks for your support, it's been heartfelt (and delicious Mrs P), much love xx

This is a healthy pelvis ↑ 

And this is my husband's ↓